FREE Live Chat Numbers List U.S.A.
You can call one by one use a pen or paper to keep track theres alot of numbers to call!!!
How it works
Call these free chat line numbers if you got long distance. Easy to use call and talk to people men or women all free. Phone Numbers List Name by: Call these free numbers Below and meet new people men or women across the United States. Instructions on how to use the system above please leave a comment or add new # so I can add to this list good luck people.
(712) 432-2199
(712) 432-2001
(712) 432-2222 Club Vee
(712) 432-2300 Rumba Room
(712) 432-2216 Chat Connections
(678) 781-4535 Shout Wall
(712) 432-2220 Virtual Underground
(712) 338-8889 Free Chat Line
(712) 338-8890 Free Latino Chat Line
(712) 432-4845
(712) 432-3650
(712) 432-3623
(712) 432-3680 Sexy Café
(712) 432-3689 Perfect Getaway
(712) 432-3751 Chat Connections
(712) 432-3771 Paradise City
(712) 432-3772 Chicago Chat Line
(712) 432-3774
(712) 432-3775 Joker's Playhouse
(712) 432-3777
(712) 432-3784
(712) 432-3786 Rainbow Connections
(712) 432-3787
(712) 432-3791 Insane Asylum
(712) 432-3792 G Spot
(712) 432-3794 Midnight Train
(712) 432-3799 Fantasy Island
(712) 432-3800 Chat Room Directory ( press * to browse rooms)
(712) 432-3802 Death Valley
(712) 432-3805 Paradise
(218) 862-1843
(218) 936-1515
(218) 862-3203 Hip Hop Chat Room
(218) 644-4455 Phone Chat
(218) 895-3266
(401) 992-4444
(619) 835-4402
(978) 400-2000 Acme Dating
(800) 540-8080
(877) 357-1110 Night Exchange
(866) 729-2773
(888) 529-8555
(317) 893-4482 The Edge
(231) 732-7032
(610) 794-9788 Wicked Fam Chat
(218) 862-4218 PL Uncensored (press 12793 and #)
(415) 430-1212 After hours
(612) 246-4256 minneapolis, mn
(401) 992-4444
(603) 413-2000
(712) 432-6969 Coyote Phone
(714) 516-8080
Akron Raven: (218) 862-3785
Alexandria Raven: (218) 632- 2258
Atlanta Raven: (706) 419-5700
Augusta Raven: (706) 419-5727
Baltimore Donut: (218) 844-3724
Baltimore Raven: (218) 844-3720
Bergan Raven: (218) 844-3732
Binghamton Raven: (218) 862-3792
Birmingham Raven: (712) 432-7463
Boston Box: (218) 895-2091
Boston Loach: (218) 895-2080
Boston New Haven Loach: (218) 895-2080
Boston Raven: (218) 895-2083
Bronx Donut: (218) 237-4494
Bronx Raven: (218) 895-2189
Brooklyn Donut: (218) 237-4493
Brooklyn Raven: (218) 895-2188
Buffalo Raven: (218) 862-3706
Camden Raven: (218) 895-2208
Chattanooga Raven: (706) 419-5726
Charlotte Raven: (712) 432-7444
Chicago Alibi: (217) 241-2904
Chicago Raven: (217) 241-2909
Chitown Underground: (217) 241-2907
Cincinnati Raven: (218) 862-3708
Cleveland Donut: (218) 862-3796
Cleveland Raven: (218) 862-3702
Club Jamaica Love (876) 819-7788
Columbia Raven: (712) 432-7419
Columbus Raven: (706) 419-5737
Compton Alibi (415) 766-3446
Compton Raven: (925) 956-4123
Dallas Raven: (712) 432-7412
DC Mister Crabs: (218) 632- 2256
DC Raven: (218) 632- 2255
Detroit Raven: (218) 862-3788
Fall River Loach: (781) 452-3183
Fort Wayne Raven: (218) 862-3771
Greenville Raven: (712) 432-7418
Hartford Donut: (218) 895-2165
Houston Raven: (712) 432-7411
Indianapolis Raven: (218) 862-3709
Inglewood Alibi (712) 429-0417
Inglewood Raven: (916) 637-9922
Jackson Raven: (712) 432-7477
Jacksonville Raven: (712) 429-0408
Jersey City Raven: (218) 844-3734
LA Alibi: (510) 924-3151
LA Raven: (415) 766-3444
Long Beach Alibi: (415) 766-3451
Long Beach Raven: (415) 766-3447
Louisville Raven: (218) 862-3784
Macon Raven: (706) 419-5733
Manhattan Donut: (218) 237-4492
Memphis Raven: (712) 432-7414
Miami Alibi: (218) 895-3277
Miami Raven: (218) 339-1206
Miami Zoo: (218) 339-1208
Newark Raven: (218) 844-3727
New Jersey Butt Monkey: (218) 844-3730
New Jersey Raven: (218) 844-3729
New Jersey Shore: (218) 844-3735
New Orleans Alibi: (712) 432-2022
New Orleans Raven: (712) 432-7495
New Orleans Zoo: (712) 432-2000
Norfolk Raven:(218) 632- 2262
Oakland Alibi (510) 924-3150
Oakland Raven: (510) 924-3150
Philly Alibi: (218) 895-2210
Philly Butt Monkey: (218) 895-2202
Philly Raven: (218) 895-2204
Philly Zoo: (218) 895-2207
Phoenix Donut: (712) 941-0104
Pittsburg Raven: (218) 862-3777
Providence Donut: (218) 895-2160
Queens Donut: (218) 237-4495
Queens Raven: (218) 895-2190
Rainbow Room: (712) 432-2008
Raton de Boston: (218) 895-2088
Richmond Raven: (218) 632- 2260
Rochester Raven: (218) 862-3789
Rockford Raven: (217) 241-2910
Rockford Alibi: (217) 241-2910
Roxbury Raven: (218) 895-2094
San Diego Alibi: (415) 766-3450
San Diego Raven: (925) 956-4124
San Francisco Raven: (415) 766-3448
San Jose Raven: (925) 956-4126
Savannah Raven: (706) 419-5730
Seattle Donut: (712) 429-0400
Springfield Raven: (218) 895-2095
St Louis Raven: (712) 432-7413
Staten Island Donut: (218) 237-4496
Syracuse Raven: (218) 862-3790
Tallahassee Donut: (712) 945-9508
Tampa Raven: (712) 945-2313
The Loach: (218) 895-2080
Toledo Raven: (218) 862-3786
Tucson Donut: (712) 941-0104
Wilmington Alibi: (218) 895-2213
Anglo Chat Lines
American Donut: (712) 429-0405
Atlanta Anglo: (712) 945-2301
Seattle Donut: (712) 429-0400
Viet Chat Line (415)766-3454
Latin Chat Lines
Los Angeles Cuervo: (218) 237-4486
Miami Cuervo: (218) 237-4070
New England Cuervo: (218) 862-3731
Asian Chat Lines
Khmer Raven 218 895 2523
Khmer Chatline 218 895 2529
Viet Chat Line (415)766-3454
Gay Chat Lines
Atlanta Blade: (706) 419 5715
Arizona Blade: (218) 895-2182
Augusta Blade: (706) 419 5768
Baltimore Blade: (712) 429-0404
Boston Blade: (712) 432-2070
Bronx Blade: (712) 432-7441
Brooklyn Blade: (712) 432-7440
Camden Blade: (712) 945-2327
Chattanooga Blade: (706) 419 5763
Chicago Blade: (217) 241-2914
Columbus Blade: (706) 419 5717
Compton Blade: (218) 862-3735
DC Blade: (712) 429-0406
Inglewood Blade: (218) 862-3760
Jacksonville Blade: (218) 339-1725
LA Blade: (218) 862-3732
Long Beach Blade: (218) 862-3733
Macon Blade (706) 419 5716
Manhattan Blade: (712) 432-7423
Miami Blade: (712) 432-3520
Newark Blade: (218) 844-3733
New Jersey Blade: (218) 844-3732
New Orleans Blade: (712) 432-3523
Oakland Blade: (415) 766-3461
Philly Blade: (712) 429-0414
Rockford Blade: (217) 241-2916
Queens Blade: (712) 432-7456
San Diego Blade: (218) 862-3734
Savannah Blade: (218) 895 2182
Seattle Blade: (712) 432-7455
Staten Island Blade: (218) 895-2184
Tampa Blade: (218) 862-3712
Wilmington Blade: (712) 945-2321
Paranormal Phenomena Discussion Number
The VORTEX: (712) 941-0105
Club Jamica Love (876) 819-7788
State Listing
Birmingham Raven: (712) 432-7463
Arizona Blade: (218) 895-2182
Phoenix Donut: (712) 941-0104
Tucson Donut: (712) 941-0104
Compton Alibi (415) 766-3446
Compton Blade: (218) 862-3735
Compton Raven: (925) 956-4123
Inglewood Alibi (712) 429-0417
Inglewood Blade: (218) 862-3760
Inglewood Raven: (916) 637-9922
LA Alibi: (510) 924-3151
LA Blade: (218) 862-3732
LA Raven: (415) 766-3444
Los Angeles Cuervo: (218) 237-4486
Long Beach Alibi: (415) 766-3451
Long Beach Blade: (218) 862-3733
Long Beach Raven: (415) 766-3447
Oakland Alibi (510) 924-3150
Oakland Blade: (415) 766-3461
Oakland Raven: (510) 924-3150
Rainbow Room: (712) 432-2008
San Diego Alibi: (415) 766-3450
San Diego Blade: (218) 862-3734
San Diego Raven: (925) 956-4124
San Francisco Raven: (415) 766-3448
San Jose Raven: (925) 956-4126
Boston Loach: (218) 895-2080
Hartford Donut: (218) 895-2165
Wilmington Alibi: (218) 895-2213
Wilmington Blade: (712) 945-2321
District of Columbia
DC Blade: (712) 429-0406
DC Mister Crabs: (218) 632-2256
DC Raven: (218) 632-2255
Jacksonville Blade: (218) 339-1725
Jacksonville Raven: (712) 429-0408
Miami Alibi: (218) 895-3277
Miami Blade: (712) 432-3520
Miami Cuervo: (218) 237-4070
Miami Raven: (218) 339-1206
Miami Zoo: (218) 339-1208
Tallahassee Donut: (712) 945-9508
Tampa Blade: (218) 862-3712
Tampa Raven: (712) 945-2313
Atlanta Blade: (706) 419 5715
Atlanta Raven: (706) 419-5700
Augusta Blade: (706) 419 5768
Augusta Raven: (706) 419-5727
Columbus Blade: (706) 419 5717
Columbus Raven: (706) 419-5737
Macon Raven: (706) 419-5733
Macon Blade: (706) 419 5716
Savannah Blade: (706) 419 5767
Savannah Raven: (706) 419-5730
Chicago Alibi: (217) 241-2904
Chicago Blade: (217) 241-2914
Chicago Raven: (217) 241-2909
Chitown Underground: (217) 241-2907
Rockford Blade: (217) 241-2916
Rockford Raven: (217) 241-2910
Rockford Alibi: (217) 241-2910
Indianapolis Raven: (218) 862-3709
Fort Wayne Raven: (218) 862-3771
Louisville Raven: (218) 862-3784
New Orleans Alibi: (712) 432-2022
New Orleans Blade: (712) 432-3523
New Orleans Raven: (712) 432-7495
New Orleans Zoo: (712) 432-2000
Baltimore Blade: (712) 429-0404
Baltimore Donut: (218) 844-3724
Baltimore Raven: (218) 844-3720
Boston Blade: (712) 432-2070
Boston Box: (218) 895-2091
Boston Loach: (218) 895-2080
Boston New Haven Loach: (218) 895-2080
Boston Raven: (218) 895-2083
Fall River Loach: (781) 452-3183
New England Cuervo: (218) 862-3731
Springfield Raven: (218) 895-2095
Raton de Boston: (218) 895-2088
Roxbury Raven: (218) 895-2094
The Loach: (218) 895-2080
Detroit Raven: (218) 862-3788
Jackson Raven: (712) 432-7477
St Louis Raven: (712) 432-7413
New Jersey
Bergan Raven: (218) 844-3732
Camden Blade: (712) 945-2327
Camden Raven: (218) 895-2208
Jersey City Raven: (218) 844-3734
Jersey Shore: (218) 844-3735
Newark Blade: (218) 844-3733
Newark Raven: (218) 844-3727
New Jersey Butt Monkey: (218) 844-3730
New Jersey Raven: (218) 844-3729
New Jersey Shore: (218) 844-3735
New York
Binghamton Raven: (218) 862-3792
Bronx Blade: (712) 432-7441
Bronx Donut: (218) 237-4494
Bronx Raven: (218) 895-2189
Brooklyn Blade: (712) 432-7440
Brooklyn Donut: (218) 237-4493
Brooklyn Raven: (218) 895-2188
Buffalo Raven: (218) 862-3706
Manhattan Blade: (712) 432-7423
Manhattan Donut: (218) 237-4492
Queens Blade: (712) 432-7456
Queens Donut: (218) 237-4495
Queens Raven: (218) 895-2190
Rochester Raven: (218) 862-3789
Staten Island Blade: (712) 432-7475
Staten Island Donut: (218) 237-4496
Syracuse Raven: (218) 862-3790
North Carolina
Charlotte Raven: (712) 432-7444
Akron Raven: (218) 862-3785
Cincinnati Raven: (218) 862-3708
Cleveland Donut: (218) 862-3796
Cleveland Raven: (218) 862-3702
Columbus Raven: (706) 419-5737
Toledo Raven: (218) 862-3786
Philly Alibi: (218) 895-2210
Philly Blade: (712) 429-0414
Philly Butt Monkey: (218) 895-2202
Philly Raven: (218) 895-2204
Philly Zoo: (218) 895-2207
Pittsburg Raven: (218) 862-3777
Rhode Island
Providence Donut: (218) 895-2160
South Carolina
Columbia Raven: (712) 432-7419
Greenville Raven: (712) 432-7418
Memphis Raven: (712) 432-7414
Chattanooga Blade: ((706) 419 5763
Chattanooga Raven: (706) 419-5726
Dallas Raven: (712) 432-7412
Houston Raven: (712) 432-7411
Virginia Alexandria Raven: (218) 632-2258
Norfolk Raven: (218) 632- 2262
Richmond Raven: (218) 632- 2260
American Donut: (712) 429-0405
Seattle Blade: (218) 895-2184
Seattle Donut: (712) 429-0400
Club Jamaica Love (876) 819-7788
Viet Chat Line (415)-766-3454
Khmer Raven 218-895-2217
Khmer Chatline 218 895 2529
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Rob is a fag, his fag ass blocks people on the line that's not a chat line threat, but the people who are actually shutting the rooms down via three way he doesn't do anything.. Rob can dish things out but can't take it... The fag rob also promised that his broke ass would give everyone $250.00 gift cards.. But failed miserably in doing so.. Rob is not the owner.. Wayne is.. Wayne you need to fire this fag..
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DeleteTruth 💪
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
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