Sunday, June 17, 2012

Liking an Inexhaustive List of Nominalized Verbs

Liking an Inexhaustive List of Nominalized Verbs:
Hello, first post here. I have searched high (Google) and low (grammar books) for the answer to my question. It seems like something really simple, but I can't find a single example of it. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.

Basically I want to say I like doing multiple things. I know や is used for making an inexhaustive list of nouns, and たり is used for a list of verbs. Here's what I have now:

ゲームをやったり、アニメを見たり、小説を読んだり、日本 語を勉強したりする。

Now instead of saying I do those things, I want to say I like doing those things. Would I use nominalized forms and や like below?

ゲームをやるのや、アニメを見るのや、小説を読むのや、日 本語を勉強するのが好きです。

Please let me know if my guess is incorrect. I feel like it is, but I'm not sure.

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